a ‘katta’ in marathi slang would mean ‘a place where people meet impromptu, sit, talk, share, idle away their time n grow up’. it continues to exist in almost every corner of Bombay. each neighborhood, college, school or even a lone building has its very own 'katta' where rich, poor, high class, low class, cease to matter n all come together. local in nature, it has a life of its own, a mood of it own, always occupied, always alive.
Jul 22, 2010
lost another battle this morning..
but like someone said, "you may have to fight a battle more than once to win it".
agree kits..but am not sure about this particular battle right now..the feeling of loss n emptiness lingers..but yea the other door must be sure open somewhere..all i have to do is look around..thanks love! :) :)
And then sometimes its better to lose ones which might be unimportant in the bigger picture you don't know about.
Always think about the other door opening. I personally have great belief in that one :)
agree kits..but am not sure about this particular battle right now..the feeling of loss n emptiness lingers..but yea the other door must be sure open somewhere..all i have to do is look around..thanks love! :) :)
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