Jul 30, 2011

between coffee, kulfi and chai

photograph taken by me

so i realize today
that i have this insane, 
intense, delirious, impulse
to play with it 
more often than not.
that just how much 
i do love fire!

the only difference 
this time being
it warmed my heart
and left me burning 
with much longing & desire!


Arpita said...

Chase the trail of the smoke...it might lead you to some place special.

Ayshwarya Revadkar said...

truly sane...!!!

Ashutosh said...

"It is with our passions as it is with fire and water, they are good servants, but bad masters."

Ugich Konitari said...

सदाशिवे पेठेतल्या
साध्यासुध्या चहाचे
डेक्कनवरच्या कॉफ्फी शी
झाले कडाक्याचे भांडण ....
पारे चढले , तापमान वाढले ,
तळ पायाची आग
पोटामार्गे जळत जळत
मस्तकाला पोचली ,
सर्वत्र दुक्खाच्या ठिणग्या विखुरल्या .....
आणि कोपर्यातला कल्याणीच्या हातातली
अगदी गळून गेली व
ओक्साबोक्शी रडू लागली ....
पारे चढले, आसमंताला ठिणग्या चाटू लागल्या,
कोपर्यातली एक मुलगी,
आपली वितळलेली कुल्फी चाटत बसली ......

Anonymous said...

L.O.V.E.L.Y !!!!

Rajesh said...


Kavita Saharia said...

Brilliant ! Loved it !

I enjoyed Sahela Re by Kishori Amonkar .You have a great taste .


Loved reading it.

R. Ramesh said...

ya good one..cheers:)

Midnight said...

Aaj jaane ki zid na karo is one of my all time favourites. Memories of lingering company, warm touches and quietly burning passion for me, from years ago. Can't say much more! But loved hearing it and reading your post.

Ruprekha said...

Love the expression.

Kalyan Panja said...

lovely words...nicely crafted lines!